All these herbs growing in my garden right now
will be formulated in-to the kh products Calendula flower is used to prevent muscle spasms and reduce fever. It is also used for...

more lab work
This handy gadget is something I can't do without. Every batch of glycerine based serum I want make need to do this, to make sure there...

lab experiment
I was experimenting with sugar based emulsifying/solubilizer agent today, so that essential oil can mix with glycerine. This pic was the...

Moringa soap
its a great sunny spring morning. can't even remember how long its have been. I feels like finally arrived at this place of wanting...

I am enjoying the process watching the flowering, harvesting, dry and infuse in oil to extract the very rich sweet, earthy smell, Its all...

Yay 9 of kh studio products certified in Japan
This is my new venture for learning, I didn't know so many things one must know if you ever decide to market your products in Japan. The...

DIY bucket list 1
Teeth Brightning Oil Since I been staying in I decided to actually do them one by one and scratch off from the list. Ingredient you need...

Why these numbers? (如何してこういう番号付けたの?)
People are curious and often wonder why I labeled my products with numbers. The numbers represent the order in which each product was

khstudio product recycle at Fishcake continue :)
Fishcake have been the main force of helping khstudio campaign for the recycling, But now that South shore market have closed, You...

cleansing oil
this cleansing oil I call it 2.0 un-officially. because the first one I made for testing had castor oil in the formulation. I was not...